Emprismed Icons

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Play- Oil on wood panel with silver leaf (16"x 20")

Play (Underpainting)
The painting process for "Play" began with an underpainting that provided the underlying color and some texture for the final piece. Working geometrically, I quickly created a triangular composition as I imagined myself on the sea floor looking up to the surface.

The early stages of this painting helped me to imagine the silvery, fluid currents of schools of fish as they pass through the dolphins' world. 

I think I must have been influenced by my recent visits to Sea World. I'm mesmerized by the dolphins' sleek physique and the ease in which they glide and play in the water. I was pleasantly entertained as I played with the creation of this painting.

1 comment:

  1. Clyde,
    The paintings are wonderful... There is emotion in them... and admiration... I always like your amazing interpretations of places, especially through color.
