Emprismed Icons

Monday, July 4, 2011

Orchestration: Oil on wood panel (14" x 14") The macaw in this painting looks like he is orchestrating the heavens and earth below.

I kept the composition simple. There are few details to clutter the scene. The feeling of the piece brings to my mind the ideas of author, Margaret Wheatley who wrote, A Simpler Way and Leadership and the New Science. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy as we plan our lives and nothing seems to work out the way we want them to. Wheatley's books examine ways to organize our thinking and planning in ways that mimic quantum physics.

Although Wheatley's books are a good read, many people I know have discovered that there is a way of finding one's groove, being open to the twists and turns in life and somehow living a life that flows with the currents of everyday life. This painting represents having an eye to the world to live life in the groove.


  1. Beautiful colors, reminiscent of the quetzal.

  2. I have a good feeling that this Blog will quickly become one of the few art addresses to be visited often by many people. I'll be one of them. Thanks, Clyde.
