Emprismed Icons

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Black Birds and Hummingbirds

Black Birds and Hummingbirds- Oil on wood panel, 20" x 24"

I've been working on a series of hummingbird paintings. I'll let it be known publicly that I recently experienced some depression. It wasn't a deep depression, but I knew that I wasn't my usual, energetic and happy self. For a while, I could not sing. The notes just wouldn't leave my throat. I thought, what's with this? I always sing.

I spent many days, weeks in fact, spending the day on our blue sofa, surfing the internet and checking my email. As much as I knew that I had to get up and get things done, I felt drained and took naps instead.

Then there was a day that I thought about passed paintings and I realized that all the hummingbird paintings that I have ever created are no longer in my hands. That means they're popular and that people relate to hummingbirds. I encouraged myself to get up and do just one hummingbird painting. I prepared a canvas, took out my paints and went to work. When I finished, I looked at it, I liked what I saw and felt encouraged to do one more painting.

The process continued. With every completed painting, I felt like another brick of despondency was lifted off my back. The hummingbirds, along with working with therapists, were healing me. My creative energy was at my side to rescue me, again! About two paintings into this project, I started to go out for regular walks and meeting friends at the nearby coffee shop. I carried my camera everywhere I went and took pictures of myself with friends. I took pictures of dogs too because I love them. This activity got my circulation flowing and as I looked at the photos that I took, I was happy!

Then I made the revelation that I am the hummingbird! The hummingbird represented my old self: vibrant, energetic and free in my surroundings. My hummingbird paintings reverberate in the painted panels. They energize their surroundings and I created the space around them by carrying the angles of their bodies and wings into the space around them. This is my way of being. I am in the moment and I create the world around me. I bring the color to the world as I see it. I'm inquisitive. My inner sole often takes flight, at least once a day. I am the hummingbird!

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