Emprismed Icons

Friday, August 26, 2011

Three Monks

Three Monks, (Oil on Wood Panel, 14" x 14")

In Asia we saw monks in prayer. Not too unusual right? It's also common to see monks traveling in groups. Several times we saw a line up of perhaps a dozen monks waiting outside a home or restaurant. Curious about this, we watched from afar as the resident came out with a large bowl of rice for the monks. The community seems to be responsible for taking care of its local monks.

One day as we walked through the city of Phnom Penh, we happened to walk behind three monks. I'm trying to remember if it was windy that day, for in my mind's eye, the spectacle was a blur of saffron-golden hue. My painting captures the sight as a spontaneous monk dance. Dancing monks? A bit more unusual right? It seems that I exercised my artist's license making them appear to be doing the Watusi. After hiking up Cowles Mountain, I've learned that you can approach a monk and strike up a conversation. I always thought that I should not bother them, thinking that they are in a constant state of prayer. Say hello to the next monk that you happen to see.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely color and motion here. It makes me smile and the accompanying story adds so much to it. Wonderful work!
